— Dream bigger —
Thank you for interest in C.Academy
We would like you to fill in this questionnaire before your free consultation, in order to provide you with the best service. 

What to expect from our consultation with our advisor:
• An assessment of the admission chances based on the answers to the clarifying questions
• Recommendation of a suitable service within  C.Academy
• Answers to questions regarding the specifics of our services 

Let’s meet!
Who are you?
What level of education are you applying for?
What year are you going to enroll at university?
Have you decided on the country / specialty / specific program or scholarship?
If yes, tell us a little more:
What foreign languages and at what level do you speak?
Have you already searched for information about admission to foreign countries?
If yes, tell us a little more:
Thank you for interest in C.Academy
We would like you to fill in this questionnaire before your free consultation, in order to provide you with the best service. 

What to expect from our consultation with our advisor:
• An assessment of the admission chances based on the answers to the clarifying questions
• Recommendation of a suitable service within  C.Academy
• Answers to questions regarding the specifics of our services 

Let’s meet!
Who are you?
What level of education are you applying for?
What year are you going to enroll at university?
Have you decided on the country / specialty / specific program or scholarship?
If yes, tell us a little more:
What foreign languages and at what level do you speak?
Have you already searched for information about admission to foreign countries?
If yes, tell us a little more:
Check how we can help you to achieve your dream-goal!

Our clients study at:

get full scholarships and offers from the most prestigious universities. We build our company to help everyone follow the same path and we aim high - to make education abroad without borders for everyone.

We know for a fact that everyone can afford to study abroad and help our clients to gain admission to the top universities and win scholarships. We've already helped more than 100 of our clients to reach their educational dreams.
C.Academy was born as a community of mentors - bright students who managed to get admitted into top schools abroad on their own,
We support our students throughout the entire admissions process and help them to become competitive candidates for the top-ranked universities.

Successful cases
98 %

Of our clients get place from the first attempt

In scholarships

We will help you to choose the best service for your needs
We help students and their parents to get admitted for bachelor or master degree in the best universities in the countries of their choice. The majority of our students go to study in the US, UK, Canada, European countries such as the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Italy, France or even choose South Korea or China.

We work independently and in contrast to agencies that send students only to partner universities we help our students to go wherever they want. That is why our clients study at the most prestigious schools in the world.
How do we help students to study abroad?

Our clients' success stories

Studies in Sweden with the Visby Programme scholarship
24 y.o.
Got into the prestigious Erasmus Mundus programme for masters with a full-ride scholarship
23 y.o.
Erasmus Mundus
Entered one of the best universities in Germany and won a full-ride scholarship - DAAD
21 y.o.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Got a scholarship to study history at the University of Oxford
24 y.o.
Oxford University
Gained admission to a few American and Dutch universities and got a $106 thousand scholarship
17 y.o.
University of Amsterdam
Got a scholarship to an Ivy League school
35 y.o.
Penn University
Changed his major and got an offer and a scholarship from an American university
28 y.o.
Georgia institute
Got a governmental scholarship in Italy
24 y.o.
Università degli Studi di Roma
Won a Chevening scholarship to study in the UK
26 y.o.
University of Leeds
Amsterdam University, Netherlands
Point A
  • A school graduate
  • No personal brand
  • Self-doubt and fears
  • Problems with admissions documents

Point B
  • Offers from 4 universities in the USA and Netherlands
  • $106 000 in scholarships
  • Strong personal brand

«When I was 11, I went abroad to a language school. I liked the education format, the teaching style, and the program. Since that moment I wanted to study abroad. My dream countries were the USA and Netherlands. But I didn't have enough knowledge to become the superior candidate. Also, I was growing concerned about my chances.

At C.Academy I learned how to develop my personal brand and got help with the paperwork. I got offers from Northeastern and Quinnipiac Universities (the USA) and Amsterdam and Groningen Universities (the Netherlands). Also, I was offered a $106 000 scholarship».
Erasmus Mundus program, Europe+Japan
Point A
  • No preparation system
  • Weak CV and motivation letters

Point B
  • Impressive application documents
  • Erasmus Mundus fully funded scholarship

«I wanted to apply for all the most popular scholarships such as Chevening, Erasmus Mundus, and Visby. My first and second applications were second-rate, so I didn't get any offers.

At C.Academy I got a clear plan of action and the necessary knowledge and skills to apply for any programs, scholarships, and positions. That helped me to get a full-ride scholarship for the program that I'm the most interested in.
University of Göthenburg, Sweden
Point A
  • Master's degree in a Russian university
  • Self-doubts and fears
  • No strategy and personal brand

Point B
  • Fully-funded Visby Programme Scholarship
  • Chevening interview

«I wanted to apply for all the most popular scholarships such as Chevening, Erasmus Mundus, and Visby. My first and second applications were second-rate, so I didn't get any offers.

At C.Academy I got a clear plan of action and the necessary knowledge and skills to apply for any programs, scholarships, and positions. That helped me to get a full-ride scholarship for the program that I'm the most interested in.
Oxford, the UK
Point A
  • Bachelor's degree in history
  • Many achievements
  • No personal brand
  • Unsuccessful attempts to apply to abroad universities by herself

Point B
  • Compelling personal brand
  • Offers from a couple of top American and British universities
  • A full-ride scholarship at Oxford university

«Oxford University is my lifelong dream. I grew up in a small Russian town and didn't believe that it could come true. Also, Oxford is the best place to study history, that's why I wanted to study there. I had many accomplishments, research publications, and took part in some scientific conferences, but I didn't know how to introduce myself in a professional and memorable manner. So, I tried to apply to universities abroad by myself, but I didn't succeed.

Now I understand that my main problem was the absence of the personal brand. With the help of C.Academy, I managed to connect the dots of my achievements and prepared outstanding application documents. I was accepted into all the universities that I applied to and got an offer and a full scholarship from Oxford!»
Point A
  • Bachelor degree
  • Plan to do a master degree in a different field
  • Fluent German
  • No deposit for getting a student visa in Germany (€10,000)

Point B
  • Offer from one of the best universities in Germany
  • DAAD scholarship (€850 per month)
  • Internship at an architectural firm

«I wanted to study architecture in Germany or Austria because the education in these countries is free and I know German. My master's major was unrelated to my bachelor's degree, that's why I really worried about my portfolio. Also, all international students who want to study in Germany had to deposit at least 10000 euros to a blocked account, but I didn't have enough money.
My mentor helped me to improve my portfolio, develop a strong personal brand and overcome my fears. As a result, I enrolled in one of the best universities in Germany, got the DAAD scholarship (so, I don't need any deposit!) and an internship at an architectural firm».
The University of Leeds, the UK
Point A
  • Leadership skills Impressive experience as a volunteer

Point B
  • University of Leeds Chevening scholarship

«I like to support others and used to be a volunteer at orphanages. I help more than 950 children: I supplied the educational equipment and showed them that education is a way to the world of opportunities.

With the help of C.Academy I described my experience and my career path impressively, with illustrative examples. As a result, I study at the University of Leeds and got the Chevening scholarship».
The University of Pennsylvania, the USA
Point A
  • Bachelor's degree
  • Work experience at the Big four
  • Not enough money to fund the study
  • Lack of time for preparation

Point B
  • Got into the Ivy League university
  • Wharton Fellowship Programme

«After getting my bachelor's degree I was hired for a job in The Big Four firm. I was working there for 6 years and felt like I couldn't break through the glass ceiling. I decided to earn an MBA to enhance my career path but was too busy at work.

My mentor helped me to choose suitable universities and programs and make a strong admissions case. The result is above all expectations: I got into UPenn with a full scholarship!»
Georgia Institute of Technology, the US
Point A
  • Studying in Prague (Czech Republic), fee-based program
  • Not enough money to fund the study in the US
  • Changing major

Point B
  • Computer Science at the Georgia Institute of Technology
  • $30,000 fellowship

«I studied business administration and management at the New York University in Prague and paid for studies. Then I decided to change my major and move to another country with my wife. I planned to study computer science but I didn't have any background or experience in this field. I was just learning programming online on Udemy. Also, I couldn't fund my education.

Thanks to C.Academy I got into the Georgia Institute of Technology and won a $30,000 fellowship that covers all my expenses. Also, I was accepted to Berkeley University, but they didn't provide me financial support».

What countries can you choose?

...and more!

Our mentors gained admission to the top world universities and got prestigious scholarships. Now they are ready to share their knowledge and walk the path to your dream with you.
Get to know our team
Our mentors gained admission to the top world universities and got prestigious scholarships. Now they are ready to share their knowledge and walk the path to your dream with you.

How do we work?

Get the assessment of your chances and a personal admission strategy during our free consultation - order a free call from us.
Step 1
Choose a relevant service with the help of our manager
Step 2
Get to know your personal mentor, supervisor and manager after conclusion of the contract.
Step 3
Start working with our team and our other students to reach your admission goal.

The result is guaranteed!
Step 4
Get the assessment of your admission chances
Fill in our questionnaire and get GUIDE on studies abroad from C.Academy "How can you study abroad in a top-school as Moroccan? Chances, secrets, free education"
Help us to provide you the best help for your dream to study abroad!
We are always ready to tell you more about our services and help to deal with any admission problems. We share our knowledge on Instagram, Telegram and YouTube. Follow us on social media for up-to-date information and insider tips.
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